California Area Chamber of Commerce Events

Below you will find detailed information about the events held by the Chamber.  Come join the fun at our next event.
Click on words that are underlined to be taken to an additional link.

Calendar followed by event information.




California Eagles
Scotch CO-ED Doubles Billiards Tournament
Sign Up 1:45PM
Starts 2:00 PM
$20 per team entry fee. An additional $100 has been added to the winnings.
Open to the public, however 1 team member must be an Eagle member.  

314 N. High St.
California, MO




Another truck of supplies is going to North Carolina February 2nd. We will be going to the Rise Disaster Recovery and Relief hub in Burnsville, NC. This is a list of the current needs for this truck:
*Toilet Paper *Paper Towels *Cleaning Products *Trash Bags *Canned goods-Chunky Soups, stews, canned meats, veggies, fruits (Please no expired foods) *Warm Winter Coats-All sizes *Blankets/heavy sleeping bags *Hats/gloves/scarves *Coveralls-all sizes *Winter boots-all sizes *Thick Winter socks-All sizes, New *Laundry Detergent *Dog/Cat food *Kitty Litter 
Checks need to be made payable to Operation Save the Smokies. So far this year we have sent $2,000 to Burnsville to purchase gas/propane to keep heaters running for the victims living in tents, sheds and campers

[email protected]




California Eagles
5-7:00 PM
Tacos $2.00
Taco Salad $7.00
Burrito $4.00
Nachos & Cheese $3.00. Proceeds benefit all Moniteau County High Schools' Senior Scholarship Fund.   
Eat In or Carry Out
Open to the Public

314 N. High St.
California, MO




Jamestown Eager Elves 4-H
Blood Drive
1-5:00 PM
Location: Jamestown Community Bldg
in the community room.

130 E. Row St.
Jamestown, MO




Historical Society
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM
I. Raising the annual dues to $20 a year and $150 for lifetime memberships.
II. Changing the fiscal (accounting) year from November-November to a calendar year (December-December)
 III. Approving a  capital campaign to raise funds for an overhaul of our website (
Free and Open to the Public

201 N. High St.
California, MO




Valentines Day Sales
Free delivery within 25 miles!

12007 Lookout Trail Centertown, MO




Seed Starting Tips & Tricks
25% all seed starting supplies

12007 Lookout Trail
Centertown, MO




California Eagles
Spaghetti For Scholarships
5-7:00 PM
Spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread $7.00.
Eat In or Carry Out
Open to the Public

Proceeds benefit all Moniteau County High Schools' Senior Scholarship Fund.  

314 N. High
California, MO




Moniteau County Regional Economic Development
12:00 PM
@ Grind Coffee & Bistro
We will have Chuck Gatschenberger talking to us about the MO Heroes Connect Program. This program helps both veterans and active duty military spouses with employment. There are incentive programs, guides and resources available to help you take the proper steps when preparing to hire a veteran, military spouse, or enlisted person. This might help you fill the workforce gap in your particular organization. Chuck will be speaking to us around 12:20pm time period.

1119 S. Oak St.
California, MO




California Eagles
Sweetheart Dinner/Dance
5-7:00 PM
Smoked Pork Chops, Baked Potato, Salad, Roll, and Dessert $12.00
Eat in or Carry out
Turner & Co Band 7:30-11:00 (no cover charge). Chocolate Covered Strawberries will be for sale for $5.00.
Open to the public
Proceeds benefit Max Baer Heart Fund. 

314 N. High
California, MO

14 &17



Monica's Reflection Landscaping & Painting Class
Adults $15
Kids $10
Call to reserve your spot

12007 Lookout Trail
Centertown, MO




Terrarium Class
$10 + plant/container or bring your own container.
Call to reserve your time

12007 Lookout Trail
Centertown, MO




California Eagles
Tacos For Scholarships
5-7:00 PM
Tacos $2.00
Taco Salad $7.00 Burrito $4.00
Nachos & Cheese $3.00
Eat in or Carry Out
Open to the Public

Proceeds benefit all Moniteau County High Schools' Senior Scholarship Fund. 

314 N. High St.
California, MO




California Eagles
MOUSE RACES (Roulette)
Tenderloin and Tots $7, add cheese $8
eat in or carry out. Mouse Races start between 6:30 and 7:00 PM.
Eat in or Carry Out
Open to the public

314 N. High
California, MO




4-6:30 PM
Main Street Baptist Church
Adults: $10
Kids 4-11: $6
Under 3: Free
All you can eat chili, soup, desserts and beverages!

Community Connections is a not-for-profit organization.
All proceeds help support treatment recommendations and activities of individuals with disabilities of Moniteau County.
Tickets on sale Now! 
California: Mr. G's, The Flower Shop, 5 & 50, & Burgher Haus
Tipton: Brothers Supermarket, Downtown Cafe' & Reflections Salon Jamestown: Grams Get n Go  

For more info call:
Dr. Barbara Gilpin

303 West Main St.
California, MO




9-11:30 AM
At California High School
We would like all local businesses to attend and share information about their business. Some things we would like you to share would be details about the company, experience working there, job requirements, applications for participants to fill out, swag/pamphlets to give out, on the spot interviews if available, etc. This can be a great hiring opportunity! 
If you are interested in setting up a table at the California High School on February 26th for the Moniteau Career Fair, click the link below to fill out the registration form.

Jenn Millard , Community Organizer Moniteau & Osage County Central Missouri Community Action
[email protected]




California Eagles
Burgers For Scholarships
5-7:00 PM
Hamburger and Fries $6.00 Cheeseburger and Fries $7.00 Double Hamburger and Fries $7.00 Double Cheeseburger and Fries $8.00
Eat In or Carry Out
Open to the Public

Proceeds benefit all Moniteau County High Schools' Senior Scholarship Fund. 

314 N. High
California, MO

27 & 28



Spring Door Hangar Class
Adults $25
Kids $15
Limited Supplies
Call to reserve a spot!

12007 Lookout Trail
Centertown, MO




Show Me 4-H Club Pancake 
& Sausage Breakfast
Location: McGirk Community Building
Free Will Donation

55330 High St.
California, MO


Click on and Complete the following form(s) to nominate a Volunteer or Citizen or Business of the year for 2022.   

Forms must be completed by December 31, 2022.  Please drop the form by the Chamber Office at 500 South Oak St, California MO 65018; or email it to [email protected].

Volunteer of the Year

2023- Kris & Dyan Ingram
2022 - Tyler Clenin

2021 - Norm Weatherman
2020 - Dan & Carol Mesey
2019 - Judy Barbour
2018 - Sandra Ratcliff
2017 - Rita Hammerly
2016 - Linda Baer
2015 - Lisa Parry
2014 - Diane Eulinger
2013 - Brad Baer
2012 - Brenda Opel

Business of the Year

2023- Grace Print House
2022 - California Veterinary Clinic
2021 - Bonecutter Body Shop
2020 - Leeper Auto Repair

2019 - Clenin Farm Supply
2018 - Something Sassy
2017 - The Flower Shop
2016 - Mr. G's Liquour
2015 - Bond Pharmacy
2014 - Vision Health Eye Care
2013 - Evers and Co CPA's
2012 - Rackers Manufacturing
2011 - Bolinger Marketing
2010 - California Construction
2009 - Spielers' Inc
2008 - Proctor Lumber Co
2007 - Ken Vaughan & Son Const
2006 - Henley & Sons Const
2005 - Cal's Thriftway Inc
2004 - Burgher Haus
2003 - KRLL Radio

Citizen of the Year

2023- Elaine Anderson
2022 - John T Kay
2021 - Ron Harlan & Bob Staton
2020 - Allen Smith
2019 - Chelsea McGill
2018 - Kenny Kunze
2017 - David & Beth Jungmeyer
2016 - Ilene Matheny
2015 - Judy Scott
2014 - Phil Lewis
2013 - Pam Green
2012 - Roberta Rothstein
2011 - Ann M Perry
2010 - George Shelley
2009 - Richard Schroeder
2008 - Patricia Kay
2007 - James L Martin
2006 - Paul Bloch
2005 - The Rohrbach Brothers
2004 - Norris Gerhart
2003 - Rob Hoff
2002 - Norman Rohrbach
2001 - Melvin Peterman
2000 - Alice Scrivner
1999 - Sally Vogel
1998 - Gary Schmidt
1997 - Morris Burger
1996 - Don Osborn
1995 - Gail Hughes
1994 - Bud Bolinger
1993 - Burl White
1992 - Ed Hurt
1991 - Dorothy Miller
1990 - Dr. Richard Fulks
1989 - Cecil Howard
1988 - Walter Loeber
1987 - Van Adams
1986 - Bill Kirchoff
1985 - Carol Rackers
1984 - Edward Sappington
1983 - Lee Roy Robertson
1981 - Clarence Buch
1981 - Cathy Cartwright
1979 - Eugene Bird
1978 - Bill Gilvert
1977 - Robert L Hurt
1976 - Lloyd Fulks
1975 - Lawrence Cook
1974 - Dr. George Riley
1973 - Richard Barry
1973 -  Marianne Crawford
1972 - Jack Bowlin
1971 - Wayne Woodard
1971 - Harry Minturn
1971 - Sharon Kirchoff
1970 - Melvin Peterman
1970 - Rachel Bolin


Each school year in May several graduating high school seniors are awarded scholarships from the California Area Chamber of Commerce.  Scholarship recipients are chosen based on academics, chamber involvement, volunteering, and plans for the future.  The Chamber believes these scholarships will enhance the the development of our future local business entrepreneurs.  Investing in California areas future!  In '24 there were 9 graduates that received our scholarships in the amount of $1000 each. 
These graduates were:
California High School- Cameron Combs, Allison Marsh, Zoey Percival, Isabelle Rohrbach, & Macie Trimble
Jamestown High School- Conner Gorman, Mikayla Haldiman, Kendall Imsland, & Jolene Sorrels

Annual Golf Tournament

Typically the golf tournament is held in June
at the California Country Club. 

The 20th Annual Chamber Golf Tournament will by held on
Friday, June 14, 2024
 tee time of 8:30 AM.  


2023 Golfing winners!
1st Place Team-- Champions- Abby Spieler, Caitlin Phoenix, Doug Miller
            2nd Place Team- Donnie Maquire, Alan Chambers, Roger Kay
3rd Place Team- Bond Pharmacy- Brian HIlls, AJ Perry, Spencer Wilson
Last Place Team- Hays Rock Works Team 2
Flight A was a 3 way tie- Shelter Insurance (Rex Hill, Don Vernon, Gary Hamilton), 
Henley & Son Construction (Rodney Henley, Wyatt Henley, Jim Deeken) and
Juul Spine & Sport Chiropractic (Bill Juul, Robert Juul, Alex Fenson) 

 Tee Off Time 



Thirty two teams enjoy the fun! 



 Cash prizes were awarded to top 3 teams, to Longest Putt, Closest to the Pin, 50/50 Drawing, and Last Place Team.



Local businesses sponsored
holes, contributed food & beverages, and provided door prizes!



         34th Ozark Ham & Turkey Festival 

Always held on the 3rd Saturday in September.  

The plans are underway for the 2024 Ozark Ham & Turkey Festival. 

Please reach out to the Chamber office if interested setting up a booth.  You can email  [email protected] or  phone 573-796-3040. Please feel free to leave a message!
Booths are available for Crafters (handmade items), Commercial (retail items), Food. Booths are 10'x10'. Electricity is an additional charge. 

Healthy 5K Walk Run :
                                Location:         Village Green Shopping Center
                                Registration:   6:45 AM
                                Walkers:           race starts 7:30 am
                                Runners:           race starts 7:45am

Eagles Aerie 4027 Ham Breakfast from 7 - 9 am.

"Anything Goes" Parade starts at 9:30 am.  Line up for the parade is on Smith St at 8:30 am.

Car Show from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.  Moniteau County Fairgrounds!

Kids' Corner located at the Post Office from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.  Plenty for the kiddo's to do - FFA Barnyard, Bounce House, games, and more.

Flag Raising at the Court House 11:00 am.

BBQ Contest held behind Commerce Bank at 11:00 am with entertainment provided.
Play Bingo with the Eagles! 

Longest turkey sub sandwich provided by Cargill located in front of Commerce Bank at 11:30 am.

North Stage sponsored by Burgers' Smokehouse and features California School Students from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Wrapping up the day with the Ozark Ham & Turkey Festival 2nd Annual Bull Bash and Barrel's Bash at the Moniteau County Fair Grounds and sponsored by the California Area Chamber of Commerce by produced by Amped Up Productions. 

Click on the links below to sign up for an event.

Christmas Parade

Held on the first Saturday of December. 
This year the date is December 7th, 2024 at 5:30 pm.
Parade Theme: Polar Express
The theme is only a suggestion you can certainly be creative and do your own thing.

The Chamber Home and Business Decorating Contest will be taking place in December 9th through December 13th.

The judging will be done between 6-9 pm
Monday, December 9th and Friday, December 13th.
Please have your lights on during these hours if you wish to be judged.

All homes in the city limits will be judged, but please call the Chamber office 573-796-3040 by December 6th to be guaranteed judging. Any residence wishing to be judged that is located outside of the California city limits MUST call the Chamber office before December 6th in order to be judged.

Prizes will be awarded to three winners in both categories. All businesses will be judged and the winner will receive the traveling Santa trophy! A "Best of Show" will be recognized at Proctor Park.

Christmas Tree Lighting


City Fire

City Police



       6th Annual 
      Proctor Park

Light Up the Park

The 6th Annual “Christmas in Proctor Park” will be held in 2024! It has been a huge success and the Chamber thinks it was well worth the efforts of the participating businesses, the Chamber, and the City of California to continue!

If you participated last year, you will be assigned to the same spot this year unless you wish to move. If you do wish to be relocated, you must let Rita at the Chamber office know ASAP! If you do not want to participate this year, please let her know, as well. If you are a new participant and wish to join in the fun, please let Rita know. She will see that you are assigned a place for your display.

[email protected] 

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Annual Dinner & Business Meeting

The Annual Dinner is held on the 4th Saturday in January. 
The next annual dinner will be on January 25, 2025 at Tipton Knights of Columbus, 117 E Hwy 50.
Annual Meeting at 5 pm, social hour starting at 5:45 & check in opens with Picadilly, Silent Auction & Live Auction items, award presentations at 6:30, dinner at 7:00. 
Tickets $25 Each--RSVP to Rita by January 17th. Scholarship Fund Raiser will complete the evening of fun!

Annual Dinner


2021 Menu
catered by Sweet Chipolte

Piccadilly Auction

lots of fun for all

Norm Weatherman

2021 Volunteer of the Year

nominated by Chamber Board Members

Bob Staton & Ron Harlan

2021 Citizen of the Year

nominate a citizen for next year

Bonecutter Body Shop 

2021 Business of the Year

nominate a business for next year

Items for Piccadilly Auction

Items for Piccadilly Auction

Items for Piccadilly Auction

Easter Egg Hunt

Held on the Saturday  week prior to Easter with a rain date of the Saturday of the weekend of Easter. 

2024 Easter Egg Hunt was held March 23rd at 1:00 pm in Proctor Park near the East Shelter House. Prizes are awarded to each age group. Sponsored by Commerce Bank!